Sullivan University has it's main campus located at Louisville, KY, and was founded in 1987. It's yearly tuition fee is $30,480, which is 6% less than other culinary schools.
Compared to the average of all culinary schools Sullivan University estimated tuition fee costs moderately less (6% less), and has far more number of students enrolled (42% more).
Compared to the average of all culinary schools Sullivan University estimated tuition fee costs moderately less (6% less), and has far more number of students enrolled (42% more).
Compare with other Culinary Schools
Sullivan University | VS | All other Culinary Schools |
Tuition Fee and Demographics | |||||
Student Teacher Ratio | 18 To 1 | ||||
Total Enrollment |
700 (206.05 higher than average)
vs |
Estimated Cost |
$30480 (30448 $ higher than average)
vs |